It has been some time since we have made a post. With lock downs and considerations to the public health crisis, we understood that meeting people and hooking up was not possible for the last year. Now with the success of Vaccines and over 40% of American adults vaccinated, also with the Presidential request to open vaccinations to everyone 18 and older in the next two weeks, and of course the SpringTime mating urges ... We realized that hormones will very likely win out and a lot more men will be getting it on hot and heavy between the sheets!
As always, we here at uTrick iTrack, focus on the health and well-being of the LGBTQ community. We are still in the midst of a Global Pandemic. So before you start hooking up with every Tom, Dick, and Harry ... keep a few things in mind.
First, Not everyone is vaccinated yet, it will still take some time for everyone to get there.
Second, there is a spike of new infections and deaths from viral variants.
Third, even though you may be vaccinated, still follow CDC guidelines to keep those unvaccinated safe and healthy.
If you were lucky enough to get your vaccine, Congratulations!! BUT in your excitement, DO NOT post an image of your CDC Vaccination Card on Social Media. Unfortunately there is a subculture of lost souls, corrupted by the previous administration, that will use your information to create fraudulent vaccination cards. Keep your vaccination card secured like you would your credit card or Social Security card, don’t let others use your information to get around safety restrictions.
We all long for the physical touch and the carnal pleasures from another man after this very very long year. But please take precautions, have open conversations about vaccinations and symptoms. Let's do this right so we never have to go through a public health crisis like this again.
Best of luck, good health, and happy hooking.
Out of the Shade Computer Services.
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