At long last after 5 years, we will soon be getting an upgrade to a better hosting service. With this migration we will be able to utilize HTTPS encryption which will open the door for a number of feature modifications we have been hold off on, since they were dependent on https ssl encryption to activate. An added bonus is that this hosting update will still allow us to offer our services Free to our Members (donations, as always are still welcome). As with previous hosting migrations we have done in the past, please be patient with us, as there can be some down time and bugs that may pop up in the initial phases of the migration. Keep an eye out for updates and future new feature releases.
We would like to thank all our members who have joined up and stuck with use these last 5 years, and we look forward to the end of this Global Pandemic so more members of our horny community can join up, hook up safely, then Track and Rate their Tricks here.
So Mask up, Vax up, and Happy Hooking!!
Out of the Shade Computer Services.
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